[Ewrt-devel] The current state of Ewrt

Doug Dalton
Thu Jun 10 16:31:59 PDT 2004

I reset everything back to factory defaults,  I put only my dns server 
into notcat.conf and the DNS host list,  it is the first dns server in 
both the resolv.conf and my webpage but my PPPoE server assigns two dns 
servers which are appended,  I only get the splash page if I go directly 
to the config page ( without my dns server in the list,  
otherwise with my dns server in,  I do not see it.... this is factory 
defaults with only the default nocat enabled,  If I reset the box 
without nocat I can see my dns server and have no problems getting out 
past the gateway.


A. Brandon Psmythe wrote:

Hi Doug,

So the DNS servers in nocat.conf are the same ones as are defined on 
your client?  Are the clients able to resolve IP addresses or do they 
hang waiting on dns resolution?  Do you ever get the splash page?


Doug Dalton wrote:

Really simple setup

[isp]<-[linksys]<-[wifi Clients]

I set nocat.conf to the same dns as my static dhcp server and I still 
cannot get out to the internet without disabling nocat?

A. Brandon Psmythe wrote:

Hey all,
It would be easy enough to set it up such that if there were no DNS 
Servers set, then to allow all port53 traffic out.  However, intuitively 
I do not think that makes the best sense.  Not reading a man page, I 
would assume that setting a variable to "null" would disable that 
feature.  How about we allow "ALL" as a setting?

The DNSHost setting should be the same servers that the DHCP server 
hands out.  Could you send us a basic diagram of how the network is set 
up, and where it is failing?  As Irving asked, I am also wondering what 
your network setup looks like.


Irving Popovetsky wrote:

>This won't work.
>In a running build, /etc/nocat.conf is a symlink to /tmp/etc/nocat.conf,
>which is generated dynamically on every boot by rc.  You can edit it by
>hand, but your changes get lost when you reboot or restart rc.
>To edit existing nocat.conf variables, see the web page (Access
>Restrictions -> Nocat)  or mess with the nvram variables.
>On Thu, 2004-06-10 at 16:18, Tom Goetz wrote:
>>Daniel Armand Ugon wrote:
>>> I am trying to change nocat.conf in the ewrt distribution without 
>>> How can this  be done?
>>> Regards
>>Did you try editing nocat.conf in ewrt/src/router/splish/nocat.conf and 
>>doing a make clean and make in ewrt/src ?
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