[Ewrt-devel] For those having problems

Irving Popovetsky
Mon Jun 28 17:01:46 PDT 2004

Nice work, Darren.   Could you send us (perhaps privately) the long
story sometime?   I'd like to get this problem understood and fixed
before the next release if possible.


On Mon, 2004-06-28 at 05:06, Eck, Darren wrote:
> I like some others on the list had problems with the EWRT not capturing
> wireless clients.  Also, there were other intermittent problems,
> sometimes it would not capture anything, and sometimes it would not
> route anything.  It was very strange.  I noticed that in the
> /tmp/services.out file there were error messages stating that there was
> no rule/chain by that name.
> The short story is that I figured out the problem.  Something is
> deleting the firewall rules at the same time that the initialize.fw is
> trying to create and configure them. I am assuming it is the reset.fw
> script.
> If I put a sleep 10 line in the beginning of the initialize.fw script,
> everything works like a charm.  I don't' see the error messages in the
> /tmp/services.out file, and both wireless and LAN clients are captured.
> I really don't see the purpose of the reset.fw command, as the rules are
> deleted in the initialize.fw script.
> I like others are running EWRT on a brand new wrt54g, maybe the newer
> hardware is optimized somehow, and for us, the commands are stomping on
> each other.  This would explain why many don't' experience this problem
> at all.
> Thanks to all who have contributed to EWRT so far,
> Darren.
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-Irving Popovetsky
ProStructure Consulting             http://www.prostructure.com
Network and Security Consulting           phone: (503) 288-1566
               "Crafting Connectivity that Matters"
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